Dear Sir/Madam,
Ms. Nobuko Kurose is a premier “Japanese Shochu Producer”, spreading the “Art of Shochu” across the world by organizing “Shochu Gathering” which brings professionals together to connect, share their skills and experiences in a casual atmosphere while drinking shochu. She is descended from the original Shochu brewers, the “Kurose Toji”, who mastered their craft in the 1800s during the Meiji period.”
Among the very unique Shochu “works” established by Ms. Kurose are her own recipes for a “shochu cocktail”, as well as “shochu desserts”. Click on the link below for a sneak preview of Ms. Kurose’s secret recipes for your next party!
Try “TYRA way” of making delish Shochu cocktails and desserts.
Surprise your guests at your next party!
Please click here for Ms. Kurose’s secret recipes!
Have you had “Shochu – Japanese Sprit” before?
Do you know what is “Shochu”?
What is your image of Shochu? “Tough” and “Hard”?
Try it in TYRA’s way, it is “Easy” and “Tasty”.
One of Ms. Kurose’s greatest achievements is the production of an exclusive Liquor called “Amaou Sanjyojin”. She envisions that the “Amaou strawberry”-flavored liquor was blessed by three goddesses who were sent to our land by Amaterasu (the goddess of the sun in Shinto belief) to protect us and lead the way of life. Ms. Kurose attempts to re-activate the local villages using local materials like “Amaou strawberries”, and soaking them with Shochu. On August 2019, Ms. Kurose dedicated the “Amaou Sanjyojin” to “Munakata Taisha”, a superior Shinto shrine, to show her respect for harvests, brewer’s techniques, and the quality that results from their efforts.
“Amaou Sanjyojin” is amazingly delicious when you pour it over vanilla ice cream or mix it with yogurt. They have become Ms. Kurose’s signature Shochu drinks.
Ms. Kurose’s goal is not to compete with other Shochu brewers, but to unite everyone and pass on the Art of Shochu that is an important part of Japan’s cultural history.
「焼酎」といえば仕事帰りに居酒屋で飲むハードなお酒というイメージがありますが、それをソフトタッチなカクテルとしてイメージを一新する「Enjoy 焼酎会」。焼酎プロデューサー、黒瀬暢子さんの企画、運営するこの会は、プロフェッショナルなネットワーキングの場として注目を浴びています! 福岡出身の黒瀬さんは、鹿児島の杜氏集団、黒瀬杜氏の末裔。黒瀬杜氏の集落は、古事記にでてくる「天孫降臨」の瓊瓊杵尊(ににぎのみこと)が天照大神の命をうけ、地上に降り立った地といわれており、黒瀬杜氏は明治時代より焼酎を日本に広めた杜氏集団です。
「Enjoy 焼酎会」の定期開催のかたわら、地域活性化にも力を注いでいる黒瀬さんは、故郷に貢献したいという思いから、焼酎に福岡名産「あまおう」を漬け込んだ「三女神あまおうリキュール」を開発しました。
「Enjoy 焼酎会」で提案している、新しい焼酎の楽しみ方は、動画でも配信しています。あまおう三女神焼酎をヨーグルトに混ぜたり、アイスクリームにかけると、美味しさが倍増します。次回のホームパーティで「焼酎カクテル・デザート」をぜひお試しください。